AI: Less consumption, more creation

Choosing AI that helps us to create more and consume less

Read time: 4 mins

It feels impossible to keep up with the world of AI.

Only a year and a half ago I was that guy in the office introducing coworkers to ChatGPT.

Now, trying to stay up to date feels overwhelming.

Today, we will look at the choice between using AI for consumption vs creation.

Understanding the difference will keep us self-aware and human, avoiding the trap of mindless consumption that detracts us from a positive relationship with the digital world.

At a glance:

  • Content that spreads joy

  • The Choice: Consumption vs Creation

  • Positive and creative AI tools

Content that spreads joy

I can't support doom-scrolling or endless consumption of AI-generated content just to stay aware of new tools. It only increases FOMO and keeps us in a zombie-like state.

Despite its highs and lows, TikTok fascinates me.

I've gone through the phases with it:

  • skepticism at my wife scrolling through it for hours

  • sending her reels on Instagram, only for her to tell me she saw the same thing months ago on TikTok

  • feeling out of date, and downloading Tiktok myself

  • realising my perception of it being a platform for only dancing videos was completely wrong

  • spending more hours on it in a zombie-like state than I'd like to admit

  • my turn to receive reels from friends, only to tell them I'd already seen it on Tiktok months ago

  • posting videos of ​how my chillies were growing on the balcony​ to get a feel for the platform as a creator

  • realising I've been sucked in and setting a 10-minute alarm for the app to keep it balanced

I will admit, TikTok curates positive worlds, introduces new ideas, and often brings joy through unedited, low-budget moments.

Much like early YouTube and Twitter days with viral videos and tweets, TikTok connects us with, "Did you see that TikTok where...?"

These moments spread genuine joy and connections, reminiscent of viral classics like "Charlie bit my finger" or Ronaldinho's crossbar challenge.

The Choice: Consumption vs Creation

The last 18 months have shown us how technology impacts our relationship with devices.

Humans are great at providing context, while AI is great at generating content.

This dynamic means that AI can either drive us to overconsume digital content or empower us to create like never before.

If we let AI dominate our consumption habits, we can end up feeling overfed and unfulfilled, like force-fed animals.

But, using new technologies to create can leave us feeling joy and accomplishment as we turn small ideas into something real.

This aligns with what Daniel Priestley says: "AI has the power to drive individuals towards extremes of creation or consumption."

AI's two "superpowers"

  1. Overconsumption: AI can keep you endlessly engaged with content, leading to digital burnout. If you spend hours doom-scrolling, AI has successfully made you overconsume.

  2. Overcreation: AI can amplify your creative abilities, helping you turn small ideas into substantial projects. If you use AI to ideate or communicate more effectively, it powers your ability to create.

Positive and creative AI tools

To help you towards overcreation, here are a couple of recent favourites:

  • Dexa AI: changing the way we search online by providing answers from authoritative voices in videos and podcasts. This free tool makes useful content and knowledge accessible beyond your typical Google search results page.

  • Viggle: A fun, easy-to-use tool that lets you body swap with characters from popular scenes, letting you play the part in an increasing library of iconic moments. Find a template of choice and enter the prompt in their Discord channel, and away you go. Here I am as ​Jesse Pinkman​.


If you got this far, thank you.

I hope this issue helps you to be slightly more aware of the difference between AI playing you, and you playing with AI.

Is there a tool you think I should try out?

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